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Zoomax Sponsors M5 to NMMU – Overwhelm the Disability

Zoomax sponsors Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in July 2016 with our uniquely devised hand held video magnifier M5.

Ms Ruth Sauls, seen left in the photo, engaged the Zoomax company, when searching for portable video magnifier products. Next to her, is Ms Tinita Kemp, who is the administrator and frontline for the unit. The device they are holding in the middle of board is the Zoomax M5.

Zoomax M5 is suitable for students. M5’s light weight, comfortable angle to read facilitates learning and sharp image on HD touch screen will display all the page contents clearly. If any student wants to check details of captured image, she/he can choose the photo from album with saving room for up to 60 photos, magnify it and “press + pan” to see all details of the picture. No knowledge will be missed. As to the writing on the blackboard, distance view mode will help.

South Africa is famous for its scenic beauty as well as the human rights which the former president Nelson Mandela devoted his whole life to liberation. Today, the racial right is not the only part that gets improved; the education, especially for those unprivileged students with disabilities, is focused by people who have strong sense of social responsibility: and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is one of them. About the handheld magnifier sponsorship, we also received a letter from Ms Sauls in NMMU:

“The Disability unit services many students from financially poor backgrounds, thus when the news came that Zoomax selected our institution to participate in its sponsorship of its M5 project, it was ecstatic.

“We are immensely grateful for this donation. Approximately 25% of the student with disability population is partially sighted to blind, and rely on devices and technology to assist them. For many of the students, it is the first time that they are exposed to a big city and assistive technology.”

We are so moved to see the feedback full of sincere and real feelings, and we have confidence in its assistive effect of M5 for its good reputation (see our previous donation of this handheld video magnifier to NAB, the appreciation letterand their M5 product review). Zoomax hereby appeal the focus on education situation of students with impoverishment or disability from the whole society: never let the disability block the way to learn.

22th, July 2016

Introduction of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University:

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) established its Disability unit in May 2007. It has subsequently grown from 1 staff member who serviced 70 students with disabilities across all campuses, to 6 staff members and close to 500 students with disabilities. The NMMU is located within the coastal city of Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, and its Disability unit services its students across its 6 campuses between Port Elizabeth and George, in the Western Cape.


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