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Discover the Latest in Low Vision Solutions at the 2024 CSUN Conference!

We are delighted to extend a special invitation to you to visit Zoomax Technology at Booth 512 during the upcoming 2024 CSUN Conference. As a premier provider of low vision aids and assistive technology, we are eager to showcase our latest innovations designed to empower individuals with visual impairments.

It’s been the first time we come back to the CSUN conference after the pandemic, Zoomax remains steadfast in our commitment to advancing accessibility and enhancing the quality of life for those with low vision. At this year’s conference, we are proud to present you with a range of high-end products and the new arrivals for 2024.

This year, we are thrilled to introduce Snow Pad, a revolutionary solution tailored specifically for students with visual impairments. With its superior distance camera, Snow Pad enables seamless interaction with classroom materials, making learning both engaging and accessible. By transforming the tablets into a versatile tool for education, Snow Pad empowers students to reach their full potential both in the classroom and at home.

Also, Snow Eye, the external camera that is able to connect with Snow 12 or any screens with HDMI output is available for this exhibit. It’s portable and useful for many applicable situations. Moreover, Luna Eye is another new product for 2024. It is the most space-saving CCTV and compact device compared with other desktop video magnifiers. All these innovative solutions for the visually impaired community are going to meet you all at CSUN 2024!

Join us at 2024 CSUN to experience firsthand the transformative impact of our assistive technology solutions. We look forward to welcoming you to the conference and sharing our passion for creating a more accessible world for all.

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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