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Zoomax has hit a homerun with Acesight VR

Chuck F. Using Acesight Vr Electronic Glasses For Low Vision

I think that Zoomax has hit a homerun with Acesight VR.

The optics are fantastic, and the learning curve is very short. I was able to set up the options very quickly and I use it in every possible instance that I could imagine. I have used it outside and inside, and even use it to watch television. In all cases it achieved all of my objectives.

The final objective was one that other solutions have not met, and what is helping me to read sheet music. The answer is a resounding yes! The staff lines did not distort and get screwed up like I have experienced with other products I have tried. I’m happy to know that I can continue my hobby with music without any interruption or frustration.

Chuck F., Berlin, WI

79 years old, visual acuity 20/400

Related information:

Product – Acesight VR


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