Low Vision Aids

Handheld Electronic Video Magnifiers With eyesight loss, you may look for a magnifying aid which help see the tiny-size letters sometimes. Zoomax Luna S and Luna 6 with pocket-size and eas y-to-use features will be your best try!  If handbag-size magnifier is your target, don't miss Luna 8!  Luna S Luna 6 Luna 8 Portable ... Read more

Low Vision Accessibility at Christmas Party

2024 merry christmas

Winter is here, with snowflakes gently falling, the air turning chilly, and a certain enchantment that always seems to be present—Christmas is almost here. This holiday holds a unique place in our hearts, combining traditions of festive feasts, family gatherings, and expressions of gratitude. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the specific needs of our loved ones, particularly those navigating the world with low vision, within the tapestry of our shared celebrations.

Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases

diabetes related eye diseases

Have you ever given thought to what it means to be legally blind? Legal blindness is more than just visual impairment; it is an important legal classification that can have a substantial impact on a person's life. In this article, we're going to look at what legal blindness is, what causes it, and how to get help for individuals who are affected.

Low Vision Aids

Handheld Electronic Video Magnifiers With eyesight loss, you may look for a magnifying aid which help see the tiny-size letters sometimes. Zoomax Luna S and Luna 6 with pocket-size and eas y-to-use features will be your best try!  If handbag-size magnifier is your target, don't miss Luna 8!  Luna S Luna 6 Luna 8 Portable ... Read more

Vision Exercises for Your Peripheral Vision

practice your peripheral vision

Have you ever wondered about the extraordinary capabilities of your peripheral vision? It's the unsung hero of your visual perception, working silently in the background, enabling you to navigate the world with elegance and assurance. Just how essential is peripheral vision, you might ask? Well, a recent eye health report revealed its crucial role: peripheral vision is the guardian of countless accidents and the key to our smooth daily activities. In fact, it's such a pivotal component of our vision that it merits our undivided attention.

How Do People Lose Their Peripheral Vision?

how do people lose their peripheral vision

One of the major misconceptions about visual impairments is that it means someone cannot see at all. In fact, while many people with vision problems will be said to have 20/200 vision, the actual range of sight issues they have can vary quite considerably. For some people it may mean complete loss of sight, but for others, it can mean a wide range of issues that severely restrict their vision in different ways. One of the more common of those is peripheral vision loss, which is often referred to as tunnel vision. But what is peripheral vision, what causes the loss, and how can we prevent it?

What is Sjogren's Syndrome?

what is sjogren's syndrome

Step into a world where blinking feels like sandpaper and every sip of water is a transient refuge. This is the world of Sjogren's syndrome, an emerging frontier in the world of eye health where an apparently innocuous illness orchestrates an eruption of agony.

Fireworks & Paintballs: Potential Hazards to Your Eyes

fireworks potential hazard to the eyes

The eyes are crucial organs that allow us to comprehend our surroundings and enjoy the beauty of the world. Certain actions and things in our daily lives, however, can endanger our eye health. Summer hobbies may take you anywhere, from golf to yard work, viewing fireworks or even the ER. Sadly, many such appointments are for major eye injuries. Unsurprisingly, fireworks-related incidents are the most common. It's that time of year when people start thinking about their 4th of July celebrations, which, as we all know, usually include a lot of fireworks. As a result, in addition to being Cataract Awareness Month, June is also Firework Eye Safety Month.

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