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You Are Not Alone

Win Total $9000 Video Magnifiers for More Low Vision People Reading

According to WHO’s recent survey, it found that low vision services were often inaccessible to large numbers of people in many places. But thanks to many low vision organizations and school’s hard work, the situation is changing gradually. Zoomax invites you and your friends together to hand in hand with those respectable organizations and schools to let more people can access more low vision services.

How to win & support

  1. Step 1. Like @Zoomax Technology facebook page and add @zoomaxmagnifier.
  2. Step 2. Tag(@) a low vision organization or school with short description below the post. One comment for one nominated organization. You can have several comments.
  3. Step 3. Share this post to the organizations and friends. Collect more than 300 Likes for your comment(s).

The comment which gets 300 Likes firstly wins. Then the nominated organization or school win a desktop video magnifier Panda HD, and the proposer win a 4.3″handheld video magnifier Snow.

Winners & Prizes

3 Panda HD for 3 organizations/schools; 3 Snows for 3 proposers

Activity Time: Nov. 2, 2015-Dec. 11, 2015


Panda HD 19″ desktop video magnifier

  • Continuous crisp image at all level
  • Easiest to use for reading and writing
  • Eye-catching look and intuitive big buttons
  • Space-saving & cost-saving

Snow 4.3 handheld video magnifier

  • Easy to use with intuitive buttons
  • Free one hand control panel
  • Clear image

More information, see here https://www.zoomax.com/low-vision-products.html

Your nominated organizations or schools can also request DEMO Presentation through here https://www.zoomax.com/links.html


  • Offer not valid for employees & existing distributors of Zoomax.
  • Please note that the prizes Panda HD for organizations or schools aims to let more people with visual impairment can enjoy technology not for sale.
  • Product test review is required from the winners after using the prize.
  • Link to Zoomax website.

Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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