RevoSight, the latest electronic glasses developed by Zoomax, joined the annual American Ophthalmology Exhibition (AAO) 2018 in Chicago on October27-30, 2018. RevoSight debuted at the exhibition as an individual brand.
About 500 exhibitors showcased their pharmaceuticals, patient care devices, and assistive technologies. Among them, RevoSight attracted the attention of many ophthalmologists and got reputed by the professionals in this ophthalmic event.

After trying RevoSight, people were convinced that the RevoSight features, such as excellent image quality and smooth move, would bring good news to the low vision people who were looking for better solutions. RevoSight electronic glasses were tested comfortable to wear and efficient to use longer. As one of the latest head-mounted visual aid, RevoSight made great difference as part of high-tech for low vision community.

The AAO covers a wide range of cutting-edge research topics related to ophthalmology. In 2018, AAO Chicago had more than 20,000 researchers, professional ophthalmologists, medical institution staffs, and eye physicians and surgeons from all over the world convening for the most cutting-edge developments in ophthalmology field.
For more information, please visit RevoSight website and American Academy of Ophthalmology official site.