WHO Definitions of Low Vision

What is WHO's definition of low vision?

In the practice of eye care "LOW VISION" has a specific meaning as defined by WHO.

"A person with low vision is one who has impairment of visual functioning even after treatment and/or standard refractive correction, and has a visual acuity of less than 6/18 to light perception, or a visual field of less than 10 degree from the point of fixation, but who uses, or is potentially able to use, vision for planning and/or execution of a task. "

Under this definition persons who would benefit from low vision care also exist among those who are currently categorized as blind.

The term "low vision" included in the previous revision has been replaced by categories 1 and 2.

CategoryWorse than:Equal to or better than:
Mild or no visual impairment 06/18
3/10 (0.3)
Moderate visual impairment 16/18
3/10 (0.3)
1/10 (0.1)
Severe visual impairment 26/60
1/10 (0.1)
1/20 (0.05)
Blindness 33/60
1/20 (0.05)
1/50 (0.02)
5/300 (20/1200)
Blindness 41/60*
1/50 (0.02)
5/300 (20/1200)
Light perception

Blindness 5: No light perception
9: Undetermined or unspecified

* Or counts fingers (CF) at 1 metre.

Values are Snellen meters (Snellen feet) and [LogMAR]. CF, count fingers.

Any help or request about low vision and visual impairment, please contact Zoomax. We are here for you.

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