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Do You Know the Visually Impaired Aids Resource in These States?

official help for low vision

As a certain group among us, low vision people should be taken more care of. In addition to applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which are provided by Social Security Administration, each state may have its welfare for the local citizens. You could get more information about SSDI and SSI by visiting the following link:


This article is going to introduce some official benefits for visually impaired people in 8 states in east America. If you are interested and want to get more information, don’t miss the article.

Visually impaired aids in New York

New York State has established the New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB), in order to help individuals who are legally blind live independently. The advantage of NYSCB is that the commission cooperates with almost all the not-for-profit agencies in New York State, providing better services in technical, educational, and resource areas.

The programs are accessible to the residents who are legally blind in New York State. However, if you are visually impaired but not legally blind, you might also have the chance to get some of the services. NYSCB would help you with determining eligibility. If you are interested in their programs and services, you could have all the details on the official website of New York State.

Visually impaired aids in Florida

In the policy of Florida, the subject of low vision assistance for clients has been mentioned. The Division of Blind Services (DBS) in Florida means to assist blind and visually impaired Floridians to achieve their goals, and the services cover all ages from babies to the old. Except for Employer Services, the Braille and Talking Books Library, and the Business Enterprise Program, DBS offers relevant specialists for all the low vision citizens to ensure their clients acquire quality services. In the technology field, DBS can provide low vision aids or so, to help the blind with their lives. To check the policy of Florida for low vision people you could visit the link:


Also, on the website of DBS you could find more about their programs and all the contacts in different cities.Funding policy for vision loss

Visually impaired aids in Georgia

The Blind and Low Vision Field Services division in Georgia mainly provides vocational rehabilitation for residents who are visually impaired. These Georgians are also available for vision loss counseling services, in order to know more about their conditions. In the meantime, organizations that have visual impairment may be trained for creating proper working environments for the blind. To know more evaluation criteria, you could have their contact:

Primary:  (844) FOR-GVRA (+1 844-367-4872)

Email: [email protected]

Don’t forget about SSDI and SSI, they could also be a part of the funding for visual impairments. If you meet any troubles when applying for insurance, Disability Adjudication Services (DAS) in Georgia can give you help.

Click the link to contact them: https://gvs.georgia.gov/social-security-services

Visually impaired aids in New Jersey

New Jersey has a division for low vision called the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI). All visually impaired residents can apply for the services in New Jersey. Supported by state and federal funding, most parts of the services are free of charge to the residents. CBVI gives the definitions of vision impaired and legally blind, as in 20/70 vision and 20/200 vision, emphasizing that these groups are eligible for CBVI programs. For more details please visit their official website. Or you can also have the contact information:

New Jersey Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired

153 Halsey St. 6th Floor

P.O. Box 47017

Newark, NJ 07101-47017

973-648-3333 – Toll Free: 877-685-8878

E-Mail: [email protected]

vocational rehabilitation for visually impaired people

Visually impaired aids in Massachusetts

Vocational rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, and deaf blind extended supports are three important sections of the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) in Massachusetts. To register with MCB, your eye care provider will submit the result to the department if you are qualified. Besides rehabilitation and support, MCB has more benefits for people who are legally blind. Some welfare can directly help the blind relieve financial stress, such as Income Tax Exemptions and Deductions, Real Estate Tax Exemption, Automobile Excise Tax Exemption, and so on. More information and benefits are demonstrated on the website:


Furthermore, since the benefits for different kinds of disabilities can be complicated, the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) helps you evaluate your situation and apply for SSDI and SSI successfully. For more information, please click: https://www.mass.gov/disability-benefits.

Visually impaired aids in Pennsylvania

The Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services (BBVS) in Pennsylvania assists the blind and visually impaired community with their lives. Common services like vocational evaluation, specialized children services, and independent living instructions belong to parts of the program. Moreover, the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation might offer assistive technology, including basic technology like basic physical equipment, and also high-technical visual aids for low vision. All the information is from:


The state has other funding for visual impairments known as State Supplementary Payment (SSP). Legally blind is one of the groups that have the quality for this funding. The detailed information is checked from the supplemental handbook, chapter 720: State Supplementary Payment.

Low vision insurance

Visually impaired aids in North Carolina

The state of North Carolina also has a particular division that offers services for the blind. For citizens with different kinds of eye conditions, their services may be different. It’s worth mentioning that the division sets Medical Eye Care Program, which can provide appropriate surgery or medications according to your financial situation. The contacts:

Mailing Address

2601 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC 27699 – 2601



Toll Free


Meanwhile, Medicaid for the Blind or Visually Impaired is included in the Medicaid Health Insurance Program of the State. Defined as 20/200 vision people are accessible to apply for this Medicaid. As for other kinds of visual impairments, need to be evaluated. For more introductions about Medicaid, please visit:


visually impaired aids resource

Visually impaired aids in South Carolina

The South Carolina Commission for the Blind (SCCB) divides its programs into 3 sections, which are employment, independence, and prevention. Each section offers specific featured services for visual-impaired people. According to various eye conditions, the services you can get may be different. If you are interested in their programs or have any problems, please consult them by:


Additionally, there are some external resources on the website of SCCB to show more opportunities for the low vision community. For instance, you can find a video magnifier in the place of Low Vision Resources & Aids, or a friendly guide dog in the Guide Dog Information area. Although the commission claims not responsible for the content of the external website, these resources might be valuable references for you. 

educational funding for low vision

Official Aids and Social Care Are Significant for the Visually Impaired

The group of low vision might be disadvantaged, but it’s not the minority. With the development of society, vision loss is not extremely terrifying anymore. Whether medical treatment or technological equipment, somehow can be useful for low vision people to live easily. It’s good to know that more and more states government begin to afford helps or resources about visually impaired aids for low vision people.

Especially for people who have financial problems, asking the official division of government will be really a useful choice. Please don’t hesitate to contact your local government to know your rights and welfare, it might be just the chance for you to live better lives.

If your families or friends have low vision situations, they might look for the information now. Please share the article with them, they would be grateful. And if you would like to know information about more states and countries, leave us a message on our Facebook, please @Zoomax or @Zoomax USA.

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Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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