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Contrast Has a Key Role for Those Who Are Visually Impaired

high contrast color switching on M5 handheld video magnifier with one flick design
Zoomax facilitates the high contrast color switching on M5 handheld video magnifier with one flick design

The proper contrast has not only been recognized by electronic video magnifier producers as an essential setting for reading aids but also a help to those with visual impairment in a variety of ways when maneuvering around the house.

Did you know that if you are visually impaired you can increase your reading speed by up to 50% by using the level of contrast that is suitable for you?

Some with eye diseases will find it easier to read if the letters are white or yellow on a dark background such as blue or black. The letters are often more defined and easier to read. Others prefer a white or yellow background with bold black letters. Using the proper contrast eliminates eye fatigue and frustration and contrast with magnification is even better.

Today there are handheld and desktop video magnifiers that make reading and other tasks much easier. Many allow you to adjust and personalize the contrast colors and levels as well as the magnification power so that your reading experience is much easier and much more enjoyable.

Here are some other ways that you may find contrast helpful.

In the kitchen

  • When pouring light colored beverages such as milk and some juices, use a dark glass and if you are pouring dark-colored liquids use a white glass.
  • To make dishes easier to find on the table, use placemats or a tablecloth that is the opposite color of the dishes.
  • Utilize black measuring cups when measuring light colored foods such as flour and sugar.
  • Use stickers or dots to mark oven and microwave dials, washers, dryers and other appliances.

General Areas of the House

  • A light bedspread against a dark carpet will make a bed easier to see.
  • If a room consists of mostly dark tones, utilize light colored pillows or chairs to strategically help you find things and get around easily.
  • Put contrasting stripes on the edges of steps to make the stairs visible and prevent them from disappearing from view.

There are many ways that contrast can help those with low vision problem live a more comfortable and enjoyable life.

More information about the Interior Design and Decorating for People Living With Low Vision, please check here.

Also there are some tips for low vision lighting.

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Low Vision Aids

Portable Video Magnifiers
Handheld Video Magnifiers
Desktop Video Magnifiers
Low Vision E-Glasses 


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